Diced cartilage in fascia was used in silicone-related contracted nose patient. She had a silicone implant on the nose and the tip was up-rotated due to contracture. Her nose looked short and the tip was upturned. Silicone was removed from the dorsum and the deficient dorsum was filled with diced rib cartilage in temporalis fascia. Her tip was elongated using septal extension graft and tip grafts. After surgery, her dorsum looks natural and the tip was refined with optimal lengthening.
My blog will explain easily the concept, techniques, result, complication, and considering points of rhinoplasty, Asian rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, fucional rhinoplasty, and nasal reconstruction. As a rhinoplasty surgeon with more than 20 years of experience, I will try to help people who want useful and frank information on rhinoplasty.